Saddle Amazon/Side
Noble ladies ride ‘amazon’ or ‘side-saddle’ style to protect their, ahem’ virtue.
The Quintessential paladin
Author Alejandro Melchor
Series Quintessential Series
Publisher Mongoose Publishing
Publish date 2002
Both legs hang from one side of the mount, and the amazon saddle accommodates this position for both females and males. It takes a bit more practice to ride side saddle, requiring the rider to have at least 2 ranks in Ride for normal riding, and 5 ranks for combat riding. The benefit of riding side-saddle is more a matter of elegance and grace, granting the rider a +2 circumstance bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy and Performance checks. The rider may not guide the mount with her knees in order to use both hands in combat (although empathically linked mounts need no such direction), but the DC for a fast mount or dismount is 15 instead of 20.