
Ultimate Equipment Guide II
Author Greg Lynch, J. C. Alvarez
Publisher Mongoose Publishing
Publish date 2005
Collecting the eggs of exotic beasts and bringing them back to civilisation for sale can be an extremely profitable Profession, but one which is fraught with perils. Not only are there natural hazards and the anger of the egg’s parents to contend with, merely bringing the egg from one place to another is an uncertain proposition. Deprived of its mother’s warmth (or cold), the egg might die in transit. A short fall might be enough to break the egg, making the entire expedition a futile effort. To increase the chances of a successful mission, the incubator is an invaluable tool.
It is a wooden box sheathed in sheets of steel. Within the box is a thick mass of cotton padding, with a cavity of the right size to hold an egg. The bottom of the box contains a drawer, which can be loaded with hot rocks to keep the egg at the correct temperature (it can also be loaded with ice for cold-based creatures). The incubator has a hardness of 5, ten hit points and a break DC of 20. With the proper padding, it will absorb the first 20 points of damage of any indirect impact (for example, if the person carrying the incubator falls 30 feet and takes 13 hit points of damage from the fall, the egg within the incubator will be unharmed). The incubator is two feet square and comes equipped with straps to enable it to be worn as a backpack. Keeping an egg alive in an incubator requires a daily Knowledge (nature) Skill check (DC 15).
Incubator: 75 gp; 20 lb.