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Ultimate Equipment Guide II

Author Greg Lynch, J. C. Alvarez
Publisher Mongoose Publishing
Publish date 2005

This brownish paste is designed to be smeared over food, though it works just as well for any perishable object. A few minutes after application, the paste hardens into a tough, rubbery substance that must be removed with a blade. Freshpaste keeps whatever is sealed inside of it from rotting or decomposing, and is used primarily to keep rations fresh and flavourful on the trail, or to keep meat and produce from going bad on its way to market. An item treated with freshpaste remains fresh and edible for up to one month after application. One ounce of freshpaste is sufficient to preserve a single day’s worth of food.

Freshpaste may be used as a substitute for the gentle repose spell, but it will require a great deal of freshpaste to cover a Medium-sized creature.

Freshpaste: 4 gp per ounce