Dust, Magnetic
Ultimate Equipment Guide II
Author Greg Lynch, J. C. Alvarez
Publisher Mongoose Publishing
Publish date 2005
Inspired by her success with the creation of magnetic ink, Tathiela put her mind to what other magnetic and alchemical combinations she might be able to create. Magnetic dust is the result of those efforts. Magnetic dust is sold in fist-sized glass and ceramic phials, and is intended to be used as a ranged weapon, much like alchemist’s fire or bottled lightning. Unlike those two items, however, magnetic dust causes no damage, but is nonetheless a potentially devastating attack.
Magnetic dust is completely inert so long as it in kept in its sealed phial, exhibiting no trace of the powerful magnetic charge it holds. Once exposed to air, however, the magnetic dust becomes fully active, generating an intensely powerful magnetic field. This will have little to no effect on some individuals, dependent upon how they are equipped, but against a heavily armoured foe the effect of magnetic dust is devastating. When a phial of magnetic dust breaks, it bursts into a cloud about five feet in diameter. The dust immediately rockets toward the nearest Concentration of metal, adhering to the surface of that metal and temporarily magnetising it. The magnetic pull of the newly-magnetised item is immense (equal to Strength 20), but only extended outward from the item in a five-foot radius. The magnetic charge of the dust is burned out after only one round, at which time it falls harmlessly to the ground.
The effect of magnetic dust is entirely dependent upon the equipment of the individual exposed to it. A target carrying no metal besides a dagger with be all but unaffected, though the dagger itself will become magnetic for a full round, with potential consequences should the target bring the dagger within five feet of another metallic object, which would cause the dagger to pull toward that object with a force equal to Strength 20. An individual wielding a sword and wearing a steel breastplate, however, would find his sword and breastplate attracted to one another, causing his sword to stick fast to his breastplate and rendering him unable to use the sword in combat, rendering him effectively unarmed (unless he has another, nonmetallic weapon or the Improved Unarmed Strike feat, or something similar). Even if the individual is able to wrest his sword away from his breastplate, a feat which requires a Strength ability check (DC 20), it will continue pulling toward the breastplate as long as the magnetic dust is in effect, rendering the blade useless as a weapon. A character wearing a full suit of metal armour (such as scale mail, chain mail, splint mail, Banded mail, half plate or full plate) suffers the worst effects of magnetic dust. The dust causes the various parts of his armour, as well as any other metallic gear he carries, to become immediately attracted to each other. This not only renders his weapons useless, but effectively binds the character and holds him immobile for the duration of the magnetic dust’s effect. In this case, the character is treated as helpless, though he can still take actions which do not require movement, such as casting a spell with only verbal components. If the helpless character succeeds with a Strength ability check (DC 20), he is able to resist the magnetism well enough to move slightly, though he still cannot take any actions which require movement. In this state, the character is treated as if he were stunned.
Tathiela has received many requests from her customers to create an improved version of magnetic dust, one that retains its charge for longer than one round, but all her attempts to do so have thus far met with failure. Tandos Ravenfoot of The Beast Within is particularly keen to see an improved magnetic dust, and very nearly salivates at the thought of how many magnetic bombs he would be able to sell.
Dust, Magnetic : 200 gp; 4 lb.