
Slimy, sticky and foul smelling, this alchemical creation comes in a sealed jar, both to keep the smell contained and to preserve the breathmask’s usefulness.
Ultimate Equipment Guide II
Author Greg Lynch, J. C. Alvarez
Publisher Mongoose Publishing
Publish date 2005
The breathmask itself is a square of cloth, six inches on a side, soaked in an alchemical liquid. To use it, the breathmask must be removed from the jar and placed over the nose and mouth, where it will adhere in place. Once in place, it acts as a filter against harmful elements in the air, leeching them away before the person wearing the breathmask breathes them into his lungs. An individual exposed to any airborne diseases or inhaled poisons while wearing the breathmask will receive a +4 circumstance bonus to his saving throw to resist the effects of the poison or disease.
Obviously, the breathmask must be applied before exposure, if someone dons a breath mask after realizing he has breathed in a poison, it will prevent further exposure, but he will still be required to make his saving throws against the poison’s initial and secondary effects and will receive no bonus to the roll from the breathmask. An hour after its removal from the sealed jar, the breathmask’s alchemical efficacy will wear off, and it will drop from the wearer’s face, leaving behind a sticky residue that must be scrubbed away with soap and hot water.
Breathmask (5 Masks): 40 gp; 1 lb. per jar