
Occult Lore
Author Keith Baker, Adam Bank, Chris Jones, Scott Reeves, and Elton Robb
Series Lore
Publisher Atlas
Publish date 2002
An alembic is usually a ceramic or glass vessel, or series of vessels, used for purifying substances to distill the essential components; by default, alchemist’s and apothecary’s labs include these. There are five types of alembic, each with a slightly different market price: exhalation alembic, 54 gp; gradation alembic, 45 gp; incorporation alembic, 46 gp; liquefaction alembic 50 gp; restinction alembic, 50 gp.
Using one grants a +2 circumstance bonus to Alchemy or Herbalism checks when making various substances. Failing an Alchemy or Herbalism check while using an alembic cracks and ruins the vessel. masterwork alembics, however, do not crack upon a failed check.
Market Cost: approximately 50 gp; Raw Material Cost: 17 gp; Creation Check: Alchemy DC 15.