Alchemical Grease

Source Advanced Player’s Guide
Each pot of this slick black goo has sufficient contents to cover one Medium or two Small creatures. If you coat yourself in alchemical grease, you gain a +5 alchemical bonus on Escape Artist checks, on combat maneuver checks made to escape a grapple, and to your CMD to avoid being grappled; this lasts 4 hours or until you wash it off.
Create: Craft (alchemy) DC 15
Alchemical Power Components
Source Adventurer’s Armory
Alchemical grease is good for augmenting spells affecting or creating surfaces.
- Grease (M): Increase the Reflex save DC for affected creatures and the Escape Artist bonus for greased armor by 1.
- Sleet Storm (M): Increase the Acrobatics DC by 1.
- Wall of Iron (M): For each pot of grease used as a power component, you may designate one 10-foot square of iron wall as being slippery (+5 to Climb DCs).
- Wall of Stone(M): For each pot of grease used as a power component, you may designate one 10-foot square of the spell’s stone wall as being slippery (+5 to Climb DCs).
An alchemical power component is an alchemical item used as a material component or focus for a spell in order to alter or augment the spell’s normal effects. What follows is a sample of these effects using this item as a component; your GM may allow other combinations.
Spells followed by an (M) expend the alchemical item as a material component;
Spells followed by an (F) use the item as a focus and do not expend it.
In both cases, the alchemical item does not have its normal effect and does not affect any other parameters of the spell. You cannot use the same item as both a focus and a material component at the same time.