Air Sponge

Ultimate Equipment Guide II
Author Greg Lynch, J. C. Alvarez
Publisher Mongoose Publishing
Publish date 2005
The air sponge is a strange, but sometimes incredibly useful, alchemical invention. It looks like a white sponge, about twice the size of a man’s fist, but instead of absorbing large amounts of water, it can hold a surprising amount of air. Even when immersed in water, the air sponge will hold its air, leaking only an occasional tiny bubble. The air sponge holds enough air for the average Medium-size creature to take three full breaths from it before it is depleted, allowing the user to remain underwater much longer than would normally be possible. Each breath taken from the air sponge ‘resets’ the user’s Constitution checks against drowning. The air sponge can be refilled with air simply by squeezing it, so long as the user is in a place where air is available – it obviously cannot be refilled under water.
Air Sponge: 50gp; 1 lb.