Blackwater Fever

Name: Blackwater Fever (Ex)
Infection DC: See desc
Incubation: 1-6 days
Damage: Nauseated, fatigued or ability damage, possible secondary ability damage or unconsciousness, possible death (1 week)
Blackwater fever is a complication of malaria caused by bleeding into the abdomen. It causes flu-like symptoms, jaundice, vomiting, severe anemia, and red or black urine (hence the name). Death is usually imminent with blackwater fever, as it is difficult to treat and and occur within 1 week of catching malaria. If a character rolls a natural one on a Fortitude save to avoid catching malaria, s/he contracts Blackwater fever instead, and is considered nauseated and fatigued. If the PC fails their check by more than 5 points, s/he takes 2d4 Constitution and 1d6 Strength damage instead of becoming nauseated and fatigued. If the PC fails their check by more than 10 points, s/he takes ability damage of 2d4 Constitution and 1d6 Strength, plus the initial 2d4 Constitution and 1d6 Strength. If the PC rolls a natural one, s/he falls into a coma (unconsciousness) and must be healed within one day or die.