Green Lantern

Thousands of years ago, a mystical “green flame” landed on Earth. A voice within the flame delivered a prophecy, that the Green Lantern would be used three times. The first one to bring death, the second to bring life, and the third to bring power.
The Green Lantern became a special power that was passed to those who were deemed worthy enough to take responsibility for, rather than it just being restricted to the one and only superhero.
Golden Age Green Lantern (Alan Scott (Green Lantern, White King)
By 1940, the Green Lantern took the form of a metal lantern. This was discovered by a young engineer Alan Scott. The flame told Scott how to construct a ring from the metal lantern, which as an engineer he did without difficulty. The ring transferred special supernatural abilities in Scott, who eventually became the Green Lantern. He became a crime fighter, and used a vibrant colourful costume as his “trademark”
Silver Age Green Lantern (Green Lantern, (Hal ‘One Punch’ Jordan)
In 1959, the second Green Lantern was Hal Jordan. He was a test pilot like his father before him, Martin Jordan. He was handed down the power ring of the lantern as part of the dying wish of alien Abin Sur. Abin Sur’s spaceship had crashed on Earth. So before he died, the alien used the ring to find someone pure of heart, and who was brave and courageous, to take his place as the Green Lantern. Hal Jordan was the perfect candidate for this role.
Modern Age Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner)
Kyle Rayner began as a humble freelance artist. He was approached by Ganthet, the last Guardian of the Universe, who had requested that Kyle should take the role of the Green Lantern. Although he was not as brave as Hal Jordan, Kyle Rayner was still able to fulfil his role as the Green Lantern, and was still adored and admired by many.