Fighter, Assassin

The majority of assassins operate as highly experienced and shadowy individuals, striking at their prey from the dark to earn huge amounts of gold by their deadly skill.
The Quintessential Fighter
Author Matthew Sprange
Publisher Mongoose Publishing
Publish date 2002
Trained in the arts of silence and stealth, they are truly dreadful enemies. Others, however, are trained purely to fight and whilst many view them as little better than mere street thugs, these fighter assassins forgo much of the stealth of their roguish counterparts in order to concentrate on raw fighting skill. Paid to risk their lives by assassinating targets who are excellent warriors themselves, they rely less on subterfuge, instead arming and equipping themselves for front line battle.
Adventuring: fighter assassins tend to be men of many talents and often take to adventuring when their killing skills are no longer required for employment. Never the most inconspicuous of individuals, fighter assassins may gain a heady reputation in the city that slowly begins to erode their ability to approach a target, much less avoid the city guard. Their abilities, however, are well suited to adventuring and many parties will readily accept such a capable fighter, provided they do not delve too deeply into his past.
Role-Playing: Cruel, callous and capricious; these are the hallmarks of the fighter assassin. A true mercenary in every sense, he will do practically anything for gold and will readily betray supposed friends and allies if his price is met. This demeanour begins to poison the mind of the fighter assassin, and he will be quick to believe that everyone in the world thinks in much the same way. This causes him to become highly suspicious of anyone’s true motives and he is all too ready to think the worst of people.
Bonuses: Though concentrating on his combat skills, the fighter assassin understands the need to approach a target unawares. Hide and Move Silently are class skills for the fighter assassin.
Penalties: The fighter assassin has great difficulty in relating well to any other person, for he always presumes they will betray him at the first viable opportunity. He receives a -2 circumstance penalty on all Charisma-based checks.