Beheaded, Flaming Skull
The Flaming Skull is a tiny undead creature that resembles a floating humanoid head with bits of flesh still hanging from its face. Its teeth are gray and clatter slightly as it bobs ominously in the air. It emits a constant, eerie glow and leaves a trail of flames wherever it goes.

Flaming Skull CR 1/2
XP 200
NE Tiny undead
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +0
AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 12 (+1 Dex, +2 size)
hp 5 (1d8+1)
Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +2
Immune fire, undead traits
Speed fly 40 ft. (perfect)
Melee slam (1d2β1 plus 1d6 fire)
Str 9, Dex 12, Con β, Int β, Wis 10, Cha 13
Base Atk +0; CMB -3; CMD 8 (canβt be tripped)
Skills Fly +9
Environment any
Organization solitary, pair, or patrol (3β6)
Treasure none
The Flaming Skull is a tiny undead creature, floating ominously and silently through the air. It appears as a humanoid head with bits of flesh still hanging from its face and graying teeth clattering slightly as it bobs in the air. The skull is surrounded by flames that never seem to consume it, giving it a menacing appearance.
Despite its small size, The Flaming Skull is a fearsome creature, immune to fire and possessing the ability to fly at a speed of 40 feet per round with perfect maneuverability. Its attacks consist of slamming its fiery form into its enemies, dealing both bludgeoning and fire damage.
The creature is often found in dark and foreboding places such as dungeons or haunted ruins, serving as a sentry or guard against intruders. Its appearance is often the last thing careless wanderers see before meeting their doom.
Although it is an undead creature, The Flaming Skull does not possess any intelligence or personality. It is merely an animated object, following the will of its creator or purpose until it is destroyed. Its presence is often a sign of danger, and adventurers should take caution when encountering such a creature.
Section 15: Copyright Notice
Pathfinder 43: Haunting of Harrowstone. Copyright 2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC, Author: Michael Kortes