Demon, Retriever
A retriever specializes in recovering lost or desired objects, runaway slaves, and enemies and bringing them back to its master. A retriever has a body the size of an ox, with legs spanning more than 14 feet. It weighs about 6,500 pounds.

Retriever | |
Huge construct (Extraplanar) | |
Hit Dice | 10d10+80 (135 hp) |
Initiative | +3 |
Speed | 50 ft. (10 squares) |
Armor Class | 21 (-2 size, +3 Dexterity, +10 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 18 |
Base Attack/Grapple | +7/+25 |
Attack | Claw +15 melee (2d6+10) and eye ray +8 ranged touch |
Full Attack | 4 claws +15 melee (2d6+10) and bite +10 melee (1d8+5) and eye ray +8 ranged touch |
Space/Reach | 15 ft./10ft. |
Special Attacks | Eyerays, find target, improved grab |
Special Qualities | construct traits, Darkvision 60 ft., fast healing 5, Low-Light Vision |
Saves | Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +3 |
Abilities | Strength 31, Dexterity 17, Constitution -, Intelligence -, Wisdom 11, Charisma 1 |
Skills | – |
Feats | – |
Environment | A chaotic evil-aligned plane |
Organization | Solitary |
Challenge Rating | 11 |
Treasure | None |
Alignment | Always chaotic evil |
Advancement | 11-15 HD (Huge); 16-30 HD (Gargantuan) |
Level Adjustment | – |
Retrievers attack with four claws, but their eye rays are far more deadly.
Eye Rays (Su): A retriever’s eyes can produce four different magical rays with a range of 100 feet. Each round, it can fire one ray as a free action. A particular ray is usable only once every 4 rounds. A retriever can fire an eye ray in the same round that it makes physical attacks.
The save DC for all rays is 18. The save DC is Dexterity-based.
The four eye effects are:
- Fire: Deals 12d6 points of fire damage to the target (Reflex half ).
- Cold: Deals 12d6 points of cold damage to the target (Reflex half ).
- Electricity: Deals 12d6 points of electricity damage to the target (Reflex half ).
- Petrification: The target must succeed on a Fortitude save or turn to stone permanently.
Find Target (Sp): When ordered to find an item or a creature, a retriever does so unerringly, as though guided by discern location.
The being giving the order must have seen (or must have an item belonging to) the creature to be found, or must have touched the object to be located. This ability is the equivalent of an 8th-level spell.
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a retriever must hit with its bite attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and grips the opponent fast in its mouth. This is the method by which it usually “retrieves” things.