Demon Lord Template

Originally Posted by The Serge of the Dicefreaks d20 Community, reposted by Witch
On this Thread
HD: A demon lord receives maximum hit points per hit die.
Speed: The creature’s base speed is increased by 30 ft. for all modes of movement, or the demon lord gains one additional mode of movement – swimming at twice its base land speed, flying at twice its base land speed, or burrowing at its base land speed. If it gains a Swim or Climb speed, it also gains a +8 racial bonus to the relevant skill check and may take 10 on such checks even under adverse conditions. If it gains a Fly speed, its base maneuverability rating is good.
AC: The demon lord gains a profane bonus of +3 and a deflection bonus equal to its Charisma modifier to its AC.
Demon Lord Qualities: The demon lord retains all of the base creature’s special qualities. Some special qualities may be adjusted based upon the Ravaged Form modifiers (a balor, for example, may gain the ability to deal fire damage with its natural attacks, as well as with its body flames). The demon lord also gains the following:
- Damage Reduction – The demon lord gains DR 25/epic and good. If the base creature had a material-based component to its original damage reduction, that is retained.
- Fast Healing 20.
- Immunity to poison and one energy type.
- Resistance 20 to three energy types, if the demon lord does not possess an equivalent or higher amount of energy resistance.
- Spell Resistance equal to the demon lord’s CR + 8, unless the base creature possesses higher Spell Resistance, in which case the higher Spell Resistance is retained.
- Telepathy 1000 feet.
- Divine Rank 0: Having attained a degree of might unknown to most demons, the demon lord is a quasi-deity. The demon lord is immune to polymorphing, petrification, or any other attack that could alter its form. The demon lord is not subject to energy drain, ability drain, or ability damage. The demon lord is immune to mind-affecting effects. The demon lord is immortal and cannot die from natural causes (see below). The demon lord does not age, and it does not need to eat, sleep, or breathe. The only way for the demon lord to die is through special circumstances. Finally, the demon lord can sense anything within one mile around the mentioning of its name, one of its titles, or an item of importance to it. A rank check is required for this benefit to function within the cosmic or divine realms of other cosmic entities and gods.
- Demonic Ideal: A demon lord may only be permanently slain in The Abyss. A demon lord that has been called to the Mortal Coil or appears of its own volition is banished to its abyssal layer of origin for the next 5d20 years. A demon lord “slain” in the Realms Beyond is unable to manifest in a corporeal fashion for one year per hit die and is confined to its abyssal layer of origin for the duration. In either case, the demon lord may thereafter reenter the Mortal Coil only by being called. A demon lord can only be slain permanently if destroyed within The Abyss.
- Inured to Corruption: The demon lord does not take damage or drain from casting corrupt spells.
Abyssal Blessing (Su): The demon lord exhibits special abilities or qualities different from its peers and beyond the powers of lesser demons. Each demon lord gains one special ability or special quality and then acquires one additional special ability or special quality for every 30 total HD and levels possessed. Bear in mind that some of these abilities have no apparent association with the demon lord’s goals or origins.
Abyssal Dominion: The demon lord possesses a strong connection to The Abyss, which significantly empowers it. Accordingly, the demon lord receives a +6 bonus to the DC of its special attacks, spells, and spell-like abilities, and to the effective caster level of their spellcasting, if any, while in The Abyss.
Abyssal Fury (Su): The physical presence of a demon lord is so disgusting that it causes lesser creatures to succumb to its mania and will to destroy. All creatures within 60 feet of the demon lord must succeed at a Will save (DC 10 + ½ the demon’s HD + the demon’s Charisma modifier). Those that succumb to Abyssal Fury randomly suffer one of the following effects. The demon lord may change the effect (a different effect is randomly selected) as a swift action. As a free action, the demon lord can discontinue the use of its Abyssal Fury, but creatures already afflicted remain under its effects.
Victims of Abyssal Fury remain under the conditions for as long as they are within 60 feet of the demon lord, after which the conditions begin to fade. Each condition fades at its own rate, as specified in their descriptions. Those who make their saves against Abyssal Fury do not have to save against it again for 24 hours unless the effect is changed by the demon lord.
Despair: An affected being feels intense sadness, and takes a -6 morale penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls. Each round, there is a 36% chance that they will be overwhelmed by grief and unable to act. This effect lasts for six minutes after leaving the radius of effect.
Fear: An affected being becomes shaken. In addition to the normal effects of the condition, the victim screams uncontrollably, suffering a -6 penalty to Hide, Move Silently, and any Wisdom-based checks. Furthermore, attempts to cast spells with no verbal components require a Concentration check with a DC of 20 + the attempted spell’s level. Casting spells with verbal components is impossible.
When Abyssal Fury causes fear, its victims must attempt a save every round. A shaken creature that fails a second Will save against Abyssal Fury becomes frightened, and a frightened creature who fails a third save becomes panicked. Panicked creatures who fail a fourth save become frozen in fear and are effectively helpless. Creatures who make their secondary and further saves do not improve their condition, but they no longer need to make successive saves. This effect lasts for six minutes after leaving the radius of effect.
Loathing: The presence of the demon lord inspires intense hatred in its foes. Such creatures will take the most direct path towards the demon lord, and attack it to the exclusion of all other threats. They will attack the demon lord in melee combat if at all possible, resorting to ranged attacks or spells only if they cannot physically reach the creature.
In this enraged state, spellcasting is impossible unless the creature succeeds on a Concentration check (DC 25 + attempted spell’s level). The creature is considered flat footed against all attacks except those that originate from the demon lord. When confronted by a potentially fatal obstacle (a natural hazard in their path, or the attacks of another creature), victims receive another Will save to break free of this effect. This effect lasts until the victim successfully makes a secondary Will save, the demon lord is slain, or until the victim can no longer sense the presence of the demon lord. A character who is under the influence of loathing who can no longer sense the presence of the demon lord takes out his frustration on the nearest living object in the most destructive manner possible for the 6 rounds following the disappointment.
Nausea: An affected being becomes violently ill from the demon lord’s presence, becoming nauseated. This effect lasts for 1d6 rounds after leaving the radius.
The demon lord can make its servants, worshipers, beings of Chaotic Evil alignment, or a mixture of all three types immune to this effect as a free action. This immunity lasts one day or until the demon lord dismisses it.
Call Demons (Sp): A demon lord commands the respect of lesser demons, calling such creatures to serve its vile needs. As a move equivalent action, the demon lord may call 100 hit dice worth of demons in a single day. No demon called may have more hit dice than the demon lord, possess cosmic or divine ranks, or possess the Yaldabaoth subtype. Most demon lords have specific kinds of demons they prefer to call, but all are capable of calling any and all types. Called demons obey the demon lord without question.
Demonic Impasse (Ex): The forces of righteousness disgust the demon lord, who finds goodness repellent enough to give it pause. As a result, the demon lord avoids hallowed ground. A demon lord attempting to enter a hallowed site must make a successful rank check against the represented god; a demon lord cannot use its Spell Resistance to overcome this effect. If the demon lord fails the neutral rank check (DC = the god’s divine rank), it receives 1d4 negative levels per the god’s divine rank. If the demon lord succeeds in entering the hallowed area, the area immediately becomes unhallowed. Once a demon lord breaches holy ground, the god in question is immediately alerted to the fiend’s presence and will often (DM’s discretion) send a proxy or an avatar to deal with the intrusion.
Induce Ravages (Ex): A demon lord’s connection to the incredible generative and transformative power of The Abyss empowers it to induce ravages in lesser creatures. A demon lord may force any demon within line of sight to acquire warps and common ravages of the demon lord’s choice as a full round action per ravage induced. However, this is a dangerous process for both the demon lord and the intended subject/victim. While a demon lord is attempting to induce ravages, it loses access to its cosmic abilities, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities for one hour. Furthermore all ravages that a demon gains as a result are considered to be unsafe, even if the demon in question would otherwise be able to acquire them safely through “traditional” means. The saving throw for an unwilling demon is 16 + 1/2 HD + Charisma modifier.
Ravaged Forms: The demon lord will probably lose the general build of the base creature. This happens randomly as the creature evolves into a greater form of demon. At times the change results in only extraordinary qualities or traits like enhanced sensory or tactile abilities. Occasionally, the demon lord acquires supernatural powers, like a hypnotic gaze or a breath weapon. A demon lord rolls for 1d6 ravaged forms on the cosmic mutation chart upon their transformation. This stacks with any abilities and changes gained through previous mutation.
Wake of Corruption (Su): The demon lord’s presence destroys everything in its wake, causing the immediate area to deteriorate and fall apart. A demon lord that remains in a particular location for an extended period of time causes severe degeneration that can expand to an even larger area over time. A demon lord that remains within a 60 foot radius area for 6d6 rounds causes the location to fall under an effect identical to the spell desecrate cast at the demon lord’s hit dice. For every additional round that the demon lord remains within that initial 60 foot area, the desecration’s radius expands another 10 feet.
If the demon lord remains in the initial 60 foot area for 6d6 minutes, a region equivalent to the demon lord’s hit dice x 60 ft. becomes unhallowed as the spell cast at a level equal to the demon lord’s hit dice; the demon lord may attach two spell effects to the area of its choosing. These spells may or may not be from among those listed as choices in the unhallow spell description.
Spell-like Abilities or Psionics: The demon lord retains most of the spell-like abilities of the base creature; the demon lord does not retain fire-based magic or illusionary magic unless the base creature was a demon; these spell-like abilities are removed. As a general rule, a demon lord usually does not have access to spells that heal, return life to, or otherwise benefit another being. Additionally, a demon lord never has access to spells like limited wish, miracle, or wish. The caster level for such abilities is always the demon lord’s racial hit dice + 6. As beings of chaos and destruction, demon lords rarely share the same spells.
The demon lord gains the following spell-like abilities.
- Always active – detect good, detect law, detect magic, true seeing;
- at will – blasphemy, deeper darkness, destruction, greater dispel magic, harm, unhallow, unholy aura, unholy blight + 30 + Charisma modifier additional spell levels under 7th level;
- 6/day – 18 + Charisma modifier additional spell levels;
- 3/day – any one power word spell;
- 1/day – two epic spells (Spellcraft DC less than 50);
- 1/week – one epic spell (Spellcraft DC less than 100).
A demon lord may select spells from any base class list that are not incompatible with its alignment.
Feats: The demon lord typically retains the existing feats of the base creature, although the demon lord may “swap” one feat for another so long as the demon lord meets the prerequisites for the new feat. All demon lords gain the Corrupt Spell-like Ability (but do not suffer corrupt damage) and either the Vile Natural Attack or Violate Spell-Like Ability feats as bonus feats.
Class Levels: In the event that a demon lord has class levels, it may ignore ethical alignment class requirements.
Abilities: The demon lord acquires 6 points that it can divide as needed across its ability scores. The demon lord may also “swap” ability scores at one for one basis; in other words, the demon lord may take a point from its Intelligence and add a point to its Strength.
Challenge Rating: Same as base creature + 6.
Treasure: Triple standard or as base creature, whichever is greater.
Alignment: Always chaotic evil.