Living Mirage

This glimmering vision shimmers on the horizon, the very air coalescing into an oasis that may or may not exist.
Source Osirion, Legacy of the Pharaohs pg. 58
Originally posted in Archives of Nethys
A living mirage is a cloud of shimmering air that dwells in warm and cold deserts and calm stretches of open ocean. Although reviled as cruel deceivers, living mirages are in fact mindless, without any motive beyond feeding on the water and minerals found in living bodies.
Living Mirage CR 9 |
XP 6,400 N Gargantuan ooze Init +0; Senses Perception -5 |
AC 6, touch 6, flat-footed 6 (-4 size) hp 114 (12d8+60) Fort +9, Ref +4, Will -1 Immune sonic, ooze traits; Resist cold 10, fire 10 Weaknesses vulnerable to wind |
Speed fly 20 ft. (perfect) Melee touch +5 (3d6 plus desiccation) Space 20 ft., Reach 20 ft. Special Attacks consuming mirage (DC 21, 3d6 plus desiccation), natural invisibility, project mirage (DC 18) |
Strength -, Dexterity 10, Constitution 20, Intelligence -, Wisdom 1, Charisma 10 Base Atk +9; CMB +13; CMD 23 Skills Fly +2 SQ gaseous |
Consuming Mirage (Ex) A living mirage can engulf foes, as the universal monster ability. A creature engulfed by a living mirage doesn’t gain the pinned condition and may move normally. such a creature is not in danger of suffocating, but as long as it begins its turn engulfed, the victim is subject to the living mirage’s desiccation attack in addition to the damage this ability causes. The save DC to avoid a living mirage’s consuming mirage ability is Constitution-based. Desiccation (Ex) A living mirage siphons streamers of blood and other vital fluids away from living creatures it touches or engulfs. A living creature that takes damage from the living mirage must succeed at a Constitution check to avoid the effects of thirst (Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 444), using the amount of damage dealt by the living mirage as the check’s DC. A creature that is already suffering the effects of thirst must attempt another Constitution check (DC equal to the damage dealt by the living mirage or the DC against thirst as if 1 hour had passed since the target creature’s last check, whichever is higher) or take nonlethal damage from their thirst as described in the Core Rulebook. The target takes a cumulative -1 penalty on this check for each consecutive round beyond the first it takes damage from the living mirage. A creature that takes nonlethal damage from thirst as a result of this ability is fatigued. Gaseous (Ex) A living mirage has a body composed of shimmering air. It can pass through small holes or narrow openings, even mere cracks, but cannot enter water or other liquid. It has no Strength score, and cannot manipulate objects as a result. Natural Invisibility (Ex) A living mirage remains invisible at all times, even when attacking. This ability isn’t subject to the invisibility purge spell. Against foes that cannot pinpoint it, a living mirage gains a +20 bonus on Stealth checks when moving or a +40 bonus when standing still. These bonuses are not included in the statistics above. Because of its size and pervasiveness within the area it occupies, a living mirage gains only a 20% miss chance due to its invisibility. Project Mirage (Ex) As a standard action, a living mirage can create an illusory vision in areas of extreme heat or reflection, such as a desert, open ocean, or snow plain, to lure victims toward it. This is a nonmagical mind-affecting glamer effect identical to hallucinatory terrain. The living mirage can dismiss this effect as a swift action. The save DC to disbelieve the illusion is Charisma-based, and includes a +2 racial bonus. Vulnerable to Wind (Ex) A living mirage is treated as a Small creature for the purposes of determining the effects high wind has upon it (Core Rulebook 439). |
Environment any deserts or oceans Organization solitary Treasure incidental |