Boto Ocota-de-Rosa ‘Hanspur’s children’

A large pinkish river dolphin cocks its head and seems to be studying you with remarkably intelligent eyes.
Originally Posted by Rorik Moore-Jansen of the Paizo forums.
Also known as Hanspur’s children, the boto ocota-de-rosa appear to simply be pinkish river dolphins, slightly larger than an average human. However, beneath this innocuous surface lies a keen mind capable of complex thought and magical acumen. Boto Ocota-de-Rosa can potentially be found in any river system but are particularly abundant in lowland rivers with extensive floodplains of the amazon river.
Boto Ocota-de-Rosa ‘Hanspur’s children’ CR 3 |
XP 800 CN Medium magical beast Init +3; Senses blindsight 180 ft.; Perception +12 |
Defense |
AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 12 (+3 Dexterity, +2 natural) hp 26 (4d10+4) Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +3 Immune gaze attacks, visual effects, illusions, and attacks relying on sight |
Offense |
Speed swim 80 ft. Melee slam +8 (1d4+2) Spell-Like Abilities (CL 6th; concentration +8) At will – silent image (DC 15) 3/day – major image (DC 17) |
Statistics |
Strength 14, Dexterity 16, Constitution 13, Intelligence 11, Wisdom 14, Cha 14 Base Atk +4; CMB +6; CMD 19 Feats Spell Focus (Illusion), Weapon Finesse Skills Perception +12, Swim +16; Racial Modifiers+4 Perception Languages Cetacean, Common (can’t speak) SQ augmented echolocation, born blind, hold breath |
Ecology |
Environment rivers and swamps Organization solitary, pair, or family (2 adults, 1-4 young) Treasure none |
Special Abilities |
Augmented Echolocation (Su) A Boto Ocota-de-Rosa is treated as being blind but without the negative effects of the blinded condition. The magical nature of this augmentation also allows their blindsight to extend onto land and into the air. Sonic damage dealt to the boto can interrupt this ability, negating the effects of the augmented echolocation and causing the boto to be nauseated for 1d4 rounds. Born Blind (Ex) Boto are born practically blind, losing low-light vision and darkvision. Hold Breath (Ex) A boto can hold its breath for a number of minutes equal to 6 times its Constitution score before it risks drowning. |
Though born for all intents and purposes blind, the Boto Ocota-de-Rosa’ augmented echolocation allows them to hunt unimpeded. Additionally, they can use their illusion magic while hunting without hindering themselves or other botos as they are immune to its effects. The boto have also been known to utilize their illusions to interact with landlubbers, creating humanoid simulations and communicating using symbolism or hand gestures or the major image’s sound component (making it possible for them to “speak” common, with most boto having at least a smattering of ability to “speak” in such a way).
The humanoid residents of areas where boto are common regard them as anything from capricious sorcerers to nonthreatening or even helpful creatures. Folklore in these regions speak of shapeshifters whose natural form is that of the boto but who transform into beautiful men and women, showing up at gatherings to seduce the unwary and produce children who may someday be called back to the river.
These stories are likely based solely on the botos’ use of illusion magic and as a means of explaining illegitimate children in tight-knit communities. There are however numerous recorded instances of boto rescuing women and children from drowning or other river hazards. Chillingly, boto are as likely as not to just allow men to drown, with the very few survivors of such instances telling tales of the boto congregating and watching with cold eyes as the man slowly gasps out his last breath in an almost ritualistic manner, giving rise to their epithet of “Hanspur’s children”.