Familiar, Kakapo

This rotund parrot has vibrant green-and-black feathers, a short hooked beak, and an array of white whiskers around its face.
Source Familiar Folio pg. 24
Originally posted in Archives of Nethys
The kakapo is a small, flightless parrot native to Maori the islands.. Kakapos can live to be over 100 years old. They breed only two or three times per decade, when the rimu tree (their preferred food source) is most heavily fruiting. A kakapo is roughly 2 feet long from beak to tail tip and can weigh up to 9 pounds.
The Maori believe the kakapo to be a sacred animal, and some believe the bird has the ability to foretell the future. Tribal Maoris work images of the kakapo into their religious art, relating the bird to one of their various tribal deities.
Kakapo CR 1/8 |
XP 50 N Tiny animal Init +1; Senses Low-Light Vision; Perception +3 |
AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 12 (+1 Dexterity, +2 size) hp 4 (1d8) Fort +2, Ref +5, Will -1 |
Speed 30 ft., climb 10 ft.; parachute Melee bite -2 (1d3-4) Space 2-1/2 ft., Reach 0 ft. Statistics Strength 3, Dexterity 13, Constitution 10, Intelligence 1, Wisdom 8, Charisma 12 Base Atk +0; CMB -1; CMD 5 Feats Lightning Reflexes Skills Climb +4, Perception +3 |
Parachute (Ex) Though it cannot fly, a kakapo can spread its wings mid-fall to parachute safely to the ground without taking damage. A kakapo never takes falling damage. For every 10 feet it falls, a kakapo can move 5 feet laterally in midair. For instance, a kakapo falling a vertical distance of 20 feet can move 10 feet laterally. |
Environment warm jungles or plains Organization solitary, pair, or family (3-4) Treasure none |