Canvey Island Monster

The Canvey Island Monster is the name given to an unusual creature whose carcass washed up on the shores of Canvey Island, England.
The specimen was described as being (2.4ft) long with thick reddish brown skin, bulging eyes and gills. It was also described as having hind legs with five-toed horseshoe-shaped feet with concave arches – which appeared to be suited for bipedal locomotion – but no forelimbs.
Originally Posted by Bhu of the Wizards Community forums.
Canvey Island Monster
Small Animal
Hit Dice: 1d8 (4 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 15 ft. (3 squares), Swim 20 ft.
Armor Class: 12 (+1 Size, +1 Natural), touch 11, flat-footed 12
Base Attack/Grapple: +0/-6
Attack: Bite +0 melee (1d4-2)
Full Attack: Bite +0 melee (1d4-2)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: –
Special Qualities: Amphibious, Low Light Vision
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +1
Abilities: Strength 6, Dexterity 10, Constitution 11, Intelligence 1, Wisdom 12, Charisma 2
Skills: Listen +3, Spot +3, Swim +6
Feats: Weapon Focus
Environment: Temperate Aquatic
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 1/4
Treasure: None
Alignment: ALways Neutral
Advancement: 2-3 HD (Medium)
Level Adjustment: —-
Skills: Canvey Island Monsters have a +8 Racial bonus to Swim checks, and may always take 10 on a swim check even if threateened or endangered.