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Azatas are a race of celestials native to the plane of Elysium, where the pursuit of freedom and goodness is paramount. Azatas are champions of these concepts, great bards, knights, and explorers who roam the planes in search of good folk in need of their help. Frequently described as the most elven or fey-like celestials, azatas nevertheless often have strange, inhuman shapes or can take elemental or eldritch forms. Most have some knightly or courtly title, such as duke, countess, or prince, apparently hereditary, perhaps from a celestial monarchy long abandoned and forgotten. Azatas do not exploit these titles to exert influence over each other, instead using them for personal identification or a bit of self-importance. They are deadly and resolute foes of evil, fearless and clever in battle.

It is not surprising that the three best-known kinds of azatas can all fly, for they rarely stay in one place for long and prefer the thrill of motion and discovery to creature comforts. Most azata “settlements” are little more than a collection of tents around a landmark, gathered over the course of a day to share news, stories, and perhaps good-natured duels, and then packed up again a few days later. Such temporary settlements are colorful and have a celebratory atmosphere, as azatas are quick to greet any of their kind as old friends. Although few can predict when and where an azata community might arise, some groups or breeds of azatas gather in cycles for traditional festivals and reunions. Such gatherings typically take place at a time of mystical consequence, such as on the evening of the lunar equinox, or during less predictable times, such as upon the wedding of two seers, and always in a place of pristine or stunning natural wonder. All azatas fundamentally know when and where the closest or next gathering of their people might occur, and while none are required or even expected to attend, all are welcome. These gatherings do not preclude more permanent azata holdings and communes, however, and the heights of Elysium endlessly ring with the songs of azata choirs.

While the stoic, homebound archons call their cousins flighty, azatas are driven by a crusading nature and feel bored when forced to stay in one place too long. This tendency also means they are unlikely to agree to serve mortals for an extended period of time, preferring to arrive, get the job done, and move on to some other quest or challenge. As much as they seek to spread the cause of freedom and joy, azatas realize that they cannot enforce such virtues throughout the multiverse. Without darkness there can be no light, and without struggle there can be no victory. Understanding this, these celestials remain removed from the majority of mortal conflicts, preferring to act as advisors in such situations rather than champions, granting goodly mortals ownership over their own triumphs. In cases where the forces of evil act overtly, however, and intrude upon mortal worlds, azatas are quick to rally to defend such realms and aid those who have no hope of defending themselves.

Azatas generally work together, but their powerful personalities and strong sense of individual freedom often see them disagreeing on how best to handle a particular situation. While both parties have the greater good at heart, these arguments can fester and grow into long-lasting grudges. In cases where a single azata is convinced his way is right, he might even enter a sort of self-imposed exile, abandoning the support of his kin so he can launch a one-azata crusade against the cruelties of the multiverse.

Most azatas originate from the untamable beauty of Elysium, created and nourished by the influx of goodly mortal souls. Like most other outsiders, they cannot reproduce with each other in the mortal fashion, and often tryst with mortals who prove charming and good spirited. Azatas dally frequently with their own kind, being quick to seek out feelings of love, joy, and companionship, but rarely feel bound or exclusive to merely one lover, regardless of its race.

Azatas speak Celestial, Draconic, and Infernal, but can speak with almost any creature because of their truespeech special ability.

Azata Traits

Azatas are a race of celestials, or good outsiders, native to chaotic good-aligned outer planes.

An azata possesses the following traits (unless otherwise noted in a creature’s entry).

  • Darkvision 60 feet and low-light vision.
  • Immunity to electricity and petrification.
  • Resistance to cold 10 and fire 10.
  • Truespeech (Su) All azatas can speak with any creature that has a language, as though using a tongues spell (caster level 14th). This ability is always active.


Source: PRG:UM (see Binding Outsiders for further details.)

Those who follow the precepts of freedom, individuality, and goodness find that summoning azatas is the best course in finding extraplanar allies. Few azatas agree on the particulars of specific issues, but they are determined to see evil’s defeat. Azatas are whimsical but determined, and recognize that the best way to bring good to the multiverse is not by enforcing their desires, but by example and word. Except for lillends, azatas have DR overcome by cold iron and evil weapons. They are immune to electricity and petrification; lillends are additionally immune to poisons of all sorts. The magic circle needed to summon an azata is made of cold iron.

Bralani (SR 17): Bralani azatas are fierce and wild, and constantly seek to prove themselves in battle or in contests of wits. If a wizard suggests a game of strength, wits, or dexterity that the bralani has not played, or develops a new one for the bralani to take back to Elysium, he receives a +2 Charisma bonus when negotiating with the azata.

Brijidine (SR 28): Lovers of fire, poetry, and spicy food, a brijidine can be successfully wooed with rare (and fireproof ) scrolls of poetry or a gourmet spicy dish. Binders should be aware, however, that brijidine have exotic, expensive, and particular tastes.

Ghaele (SR 25): Ghaeles are strong hunters, courtly and knightly, and pursue great foes. Offering them evidence of the binder’s mighty hunts (at least 3 CR higher than the binder), or summoning them to a locale where they can pursue dragons or fiends provides a Charisma bonus to the caster.

Lillend: The most artistic of the azatas, lillends love stories, histories, tales, poems, and songs. Offerings to summoned lillends include original songs, performances, or other art forms; they also adore magical instruments.

Lyrakien: Musicians among the azata, lyrakien can be persuaded to service with gifts of wondrous musical instruments and rare bits of music—especially fey music.

Summoning Azatas

Mortals of goodly heart and strong character sometimes call upon the paragons of good for assistance or divine intervention. Though any mortal can pray—and some even receive a sign or aid in response—powerful spellcasters are capable of summoning celestials to fulfill their requests for help. Virtuous summoners have collected and shared information on the types of celestials most likely to answer such summons and how best to conjure the specific type of celestial needed. This information is kept closely guarded by those who know it, lest such secrets fall into evil hands.

Presented here are the celestial hosts best documented by scholars of the divine, as well as the secrets of summoning them. Using one of these secret methods grants the spellcaster a +2, +4, or +6 bonus on Charisma checks made to secure a celestial’s aid when casting any of the planar binding spells—the GM should determine how large of a bonus best fits her game. Good divine spellcasters are more likely to use the planar ally spell to call on celestial allies. In this case, the use of a secret method reduces the cost of the celestial’s aid by 5%, 10%, or 20% according to GM discretion.

The wild-spirited azatas enjoy all manner of whimsical offerings, and take pleasure in dealing with mortals of an equally capricious demeanor.

Bralani – These azatas enjoy exploration, fierce weather, and games of skill.

Preferred Offering: Four flasks of some valuable material, such as gold, worth at least 25 gp each. The flasks contain air, earth, fire, and water in some form.

Brijidine – Fiery brijidines value art, poetry, and spicy delicacies.

Preferred Offering: An exotic and skillful poem engraved onto a ruby worth no less than 1,000 gp.

Ghaele – Ghaeles are beautiful, knightly warriors who zealously attack any manifestation of evil.

Preferred Offering: A bound evil dragon, evil outsider, or undead creature of at least CR 12, released upon the success of the summoning for the ghaele and the summoner to battle.

Lillend – Lillends are lovely, serpentine azatas who appreciate music and storytelling.

Preferred Offering: A promise to spend 1 hour playing music or singing to the lillend with some degree of skill, made either by the summoner or a willing individual with musical talent.

Lyrakien – The whimsical lyrakien delight in music and travel.

Preferred Offering: An original song played or sung during the summoning.

Veranallias – These vine-bodied azatas value the elements and seasons.

Preferred Offering: Frozen holy water slowly melted over conjured fire in a golden brazier worth at least 2,000 gp.

Yamah – The blue-skinned, winged yamahs take action against those who use magic for evil purposes.

Preferred Offering: A collection of scrolls with a total combined spell level of at least 5th, along with a promise to donate the scrolls to a good temple after the summoning.

Additional Information on Azatas

Source: PCS:ChotR

Though many celestials consider independence to be an obvious facet of righteousness, no outsiders uphold the principles of freedom so fervently as azatas. Often associated with the good fey of the First World, many azatas take similarly whimsical forms, though their grace and wild beauty signify their virtue. To their more stolid kin, azatas can seem distractible and flighty, but one would be foolish to suggest that they are less zealous in the fight against evil.

The empyreal lords ascended from azatas are a motley band. Some take fanciful titles and influence great numbers of followers. Others wander alone, leaving trails of mighty deeds in their wake. Still others travel in the care of small groups of powerful attendants or maintain multiple courts on half a dozen planes and demiplanes.

Azatas are likewise fickle in their worship of the empyreal lords. Some faithfully follow a single lord through the ages, but others pledge their service for only short periods as needs dictate. Azatas look up to their favored empyreal lords but maintain their independent natures. They don’t lose themselves in service, for an azata’s spirit is too untamed for her to submit unquestioningly to another for long.

Azatas hail from the wildly beautiful plane of Elysium.

They make their homes in fantastic structures, from heavy silk tents embroidered with spun gemstones to lofty bamboo palaces. Most azatas maintain multiple homes and change locations frequently in accordance with their shifting alliances within azata society. These alliances— called courts—center on art, music, philosophy, and personal taste, and spring up almost as quickly as they dissolve. Though a few permanent courts exist in Elysium, their membership changes like the plane’s fickle winds.

The whimsical azatas prefer their native plane to the exclusion of all others. When azatas do leave their homes, though, they find inspiration in every place save the vile fiendish planes. The primeval and uncivilized First World is especially appealing to wandering azatas, and a small azata meeting ground stands near the center. Here, azatas occasionally convene to glean inspiration from the unique beauty of the First World and to usher new beauty from Elysium into this realm and vice versa. Originally a multi-level settlement of imperfect wooden rings encircling the forest’s trees, it has reformed again and again over the years, and every time one visits the place, it seems to take on a new configuration. None can say exactly how or why it shifts, but it has appeared as a town of living wood growing up from the forest floor, a network of dim grottoes filled with radiant flower beds, and most recently a single spire of agate rising as tall as the ancient trees.

When visiting the Material Plane, azatas are drawn to wild areas of primordial majesty, especially those unscathed by mortal influence. Large cities draw their attention to a lesser extent, since they are typically the home of much creativity and innovation and azatas delight in such mortal wonders. Azatas rarely reveal their true nature in their travels, but might instead appear as mysterious and beautiful patrons and ensconce themselves in artists’ homes for weeks at a time.

Azatas’ tempers flare when they see oppression and tyranny that infringe on individuals’ freedoms. When such oppression is allowed to flourish, azatas usually interfere with a subtle hand. In the guise of mortals, they educate and inspire others in order to create a foundation for lasting change. To azatas, stepping in directly whenever mortals stumble only prevents them from learning to stand back up.

This is not to say azatas never intervene—when the forces of evil make direct strikes against the helpless, azatas recognize that intercession might be the only solution, and their unexpected and zealous strikes against evildoers often create enough pandemonium to drive the villains away, if not vanquish these foes altogether. Such direct interference is rare, though. Azatas recognize that mortals show great fortitude and tenacity in defending their homes, and the celestials toil to ensure such self-preservation remains intact.

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