Despair Squid
The despair squid varies little from an ordinary giant squid in appearance, save a slightly more primal look, silver slime on the mouth and tentacles, and some curving shell-like plating on the mantle.
Originally Posted by R.M.G.C.L.F. of the Wizards Community forums.
The despair squid is a monstrous beast that developed in an underwater terraforming project. It quickly destroyed its creators. The despair squid is named for its hallucinogenic venom that produces intense depression and suicidal dellusions in its victims.
Huge magical beast HD 14d8+14(77hp) Initiative +4 Speed Swim 80ft AC 19(-2 size,+4 Dexterity,+7 natural) Attacks 10 tentacle rakes+15 melee, bite+10 melee Damage tentacle 1d6+8 plus poison, bite 2d8+4 plus poison Face/Reach 10ft by 20ft/10ft (40ft with tentacle) Special Attacks Improved Grab, constrict 1d6+8, ink cloud, poison, frightful presence Special Qualities Jet, DR5/+2, SR18, Fire resistance 10 Saves Fort+8,Ref+12,Will+6 Abilities Str26,Dex19,Con12,Int1,Wis14,Cha5 Skills Listen+9, Spot+9 Feats None Climate/Terrain Deep Ocean Organization Solitary CR 12 Alignment Always Neutral Treasure None Advancement 15-18hd(huge), 19-37hd(gargantuan)
- Ink Cloud(ex) A despair squid can emit a cloud of jet-black ink 20ft high by 20ft wide by 40ft long once a minute as a free action. The cloud provides total concealment, which the squid normally uses to escape a losing fight. Creatures within the cloud suffer the effects of total darkness.
- Jet(ex) A despair squid can jet backward once a round as a double move action at a speed of 320ft.
- Improved Grab(ex) A despair squid that hits with a successful tentacle rake can automatically begin a grapple as a free action.
- Constrict(ex) A despair squid deals automatic tentacle damage each round to a grappled opponent.
- Frightful Presence(ex) Whenever a despair squid does something threatening (rear up, snap its beak, attack, etc.) those within 80ft with 14 or fewer hit dice must make a will save dc:15 or be shaken. Those with 7 or fewer hit dice become frightened instead.
- Poison(ex) A creature hit by a despair squid’s attack or even touching some of the slimey residue must make a foritude save dc:18 or suffer from its neurotoxin. The initial damage is identical to the effect of an emotion(despair) spell, the secondary damage sends the subjects into a hallucinatory dystopia for 1d12 minutes (treat as dazed with -3 penalty to AC while in this state, except that they occasionally move and talk within the fantasy world) during which there is a cumulative 8% chance that they will attempt to kill themselves with the quickest method available (usually attacking themselves with a weapon). An odd effect of this toxin is that all those exposed within the same 10 minutes suffer from the same dellusion. Somebody not under the effects of this hallucination can try to interact with them, giving them a will save against the poison dc to return to reality.