Rome is a British-American-Italian historical drama television series created by John Milius, William J. MacDonald, and Bruno Heller. The show’s two seasons were broadcast on HBO, BBC Two, and Rai 2 between 2005 and 2007. They were later released on DVD and Blu-ray. Rome is set in the 1st century BC, during Ancient Rome‘s transition from Republic to Empire.
The series features a sprawling cast of characters, many based on real figures from historical records, but the lead protagonists are ultimately two soldiers named Lucius Vorenus and Titus Pullo, who find their lives intertwined with key historical events. Rome was initially a ratings success for HBO and the BBC, although the numbers declined considerably in the second season. The series received substantial media attention from the start and was honoured with numerous awards and nominations in its two-season run. The series was filmed in various locations but most notably in the Cinecittà studios in Italy.
Main Cast
Character name | Portrayed by | Historical basis |
Lucius Vorenus | Kevin McKidd | Lucius Vorenus |
Titus Pullo | Ray Stevenson | Titus Pullo |
Atia of the Julii | Polly Walker | Atia/Clodia/Fulvia |
Mark Antony | James Purefoy | Mark Antony |
Servilia of the Junii | Lindsay Duncan | Servilia |
Niobe | Indira Varma | Fictional |
Octavia of the Julii | Kerry Condon | Octavia the Younger |