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Sample, City-State of Intrigue
Carl Graeb (1816-1884)
- LE metropolis
- Corruption +7; Crime +5; Economy +2; Law +0; Lore +5; Society +1
- Qualities Holy Site, notorious, Prosperous, Rumormongering Citizens, Strategic Location, superstitious
- Danger +20; Disadvantages anarchy
- Demographics
- Government anarchy
- Population 55,000 (31,000 humans; 10,000 halflings; 8,000 elves; 2,000 half-elves; 1,000 gnomes; 3,000 other)
- Notable NPCs
- Backbiting Socialite Viviana Dartmoor (LE female human aristocrat 4/sorcerer 3)
- Powerless Queen-Regent Cordella I (NG female human aristocrat 3)
- Social Critic Narcil Sharptongue (CN male half-elf bard 6)
- Marketplace
- Base Value 27,200 gp; Purchase Limit 200,000 gp; Spellcasting 8th
- Minor Items all available; Medium Items 4d4; Major Items 3d4
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