Skill, Meditative Trance (Constitution, Trained Only)

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Liber Mysterium
The Netbook of Witches and WarlocksBy Timothy S. Brannan and The Netbook of Witches and Warlocks Team
The witch can enter a special type of trance that is taxing on the body, but heightens her perception and Concentration. The witch spends one round entering the trance. At this time she must state what sort of mental task she wishes to accomplish. She cannot be interrupted or she must begin again (thus the Constitution check). Once in a trance the witch cannot attack or defend herself. All to hit roles are considered as if her Armour Class was 10 and she takes full damage from these attacks.
The witch can now complete the mental task she set out to do. Any skill checks based on Intelligence or Wisdom gain a +2 bonus. She may read a document (but not a spell) at twice her normal speed. She may cast any non-combative spell or psionic power for a 10% added benefit.
The witch can remain in this trance-like state for a number of hours equal to her ranks in this skill plus her Constitution bonus. Every round after that the witch begins to take damage from fatigue at the rate of 1d2 hp per round.