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Remote Healing (Metamagic)

You can cure others at a distance.

The Quintessential Paladin
Author Alejandro Melchor
Series Quintessential Series
Publisher Mongoose Publishing
Publish date 2002

  • Prerequisite: Heal 8 ranks, Spellcraft skill, access to healing magic.
  • Benefit: You can use any spell or ability that channels positive energy to restore hit points as a ray, rather than a touch effect. The ray’s range is 5 feet, plus 5 feet per Wisdom modifier. The healing effect is undisturbed in any other way. If the ray targets an undead creature, treat it as a ranged touch attack. A spell so altered is cast as one spell level higher. Abilities such as lay on hands subtract the character’s relevant ability modifier (Charisma, in the paladin‘s case)from the total hit points healed.
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