Expeditious Metamagic (Metamagic)
Originally Posted by Mercucio of the Dicefreaks forums.
- Prerequisites: Ability to spontaneously cast 4th level spells; at least two metamagic feats; Spellcraft 11 ranks.
- Benefit: You may apply up to 2 levels of metamagic to a spell without increasing the casting time. For example, you could make a spell Empowered, or heightened two levels, or both Silent and Still. You must still use a higher-level spell slot to cast the altered spell, as normal.
- Normal: Spontaneous spellcasters must use a full-round action to apply metamagic.
- Special: You may take this feat more than once. Each time, you can apply two additional levels of metamagic to a spell without increasing the casting time. If taken twice, it allows the use of Quicken Spell (a four-level increase).
Note: created in collaboration with WarDragon