Typhoid Fever
Also known as bilious fever, enteric fever, or yellow jack.
Name: Typhoid Fever (Ex)
Infection DC: 16 (Contact, Inhalation, Injury)
Incubation: 1-4 days
Damage: Nauseated or confused, possible ability damage
Typhoid fever is fatal if left untreated for more than 2 weeks. It causes headache, then coughing, and then very high fevers (104 degree Fahrenheit), delirium, and lengthy coughing. Rose-colored spots may appear one-third of the time, abdomen may become distended, diarrhea or constipation, and bleeding intestines may also occur. This generally leads to septicaemia and death.
- If the PC fails the check by more than 5 points, s/he becomes confused.
- If the PC fails the check by more than 10 points, takes 2d4 Constitution damage as well as being confused.