Fighter Thug
Not every fighter has had the auspicious beginning of a famed knight or a master of his weaponry.
The Quintessential Fighter
Author Matthew Sprange
Publisher Mongoose Publishing
Publish date 2002
Many, having discovered a talent in fighting early on in their lives, simply sell their services as hired muscle to the highest bidder. Engaging in nefarious and highly illegal activities within the shadowy alleyways of the great cities, thugs are usually regarded as pure scum, no better than the thieves, footpads and assassins they serve. Often mistaken for a rogue, the thug is actually an adept fighter, able to destroy the shop of a non-paying tenant or slay the thugs of rival criminal bands with equal ease.
Adventuring: The vast majority of thugs will live and die on the streets they terrorise, never having risen above their low station. A few, however, quickly come to see that they will never advance in life whilst being mere hired muscle to a weak criminal lord. Striking out on their own, these thugs will gather their personal savings, along with anything they can steal from their past boss, and leave the city to begin a new life of adventuring. Confident that no mere goblin can match their brutality, many experience a rude awakening when they first battle an enemy more powerful than themselves.
Role-Playing: The thug is an extremely rough individual, having grown up in the roughest of streets and been given no favours throughout his life. He expects no one to help him and knows that, ultimately, he can count only upon himself and his own, very brutal, methods. He has few friends, though many acquaintances and he distrusts them all. Rarely seeking fame, the thug usually quests for raw gold, hoping to gather enough so that one day he can mastermind his own criminal organisation.
Bonuses: Thugs are brutal in their methods and know well how to over-awe those weaker than themselves to get exactly what they want. The thug gains a +4 competence bonus to all Intimidation checks.
Penalties: Despite any attempt to hide his origins, many will recognise the thug for what he truly is – mere hired muscle. The thug receives a permanent -4 circumstance penalty to all Diplomacy checks he is required to make.