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Shuriken (Throwing Star)

Ranged  Weapons Exotic
WeaponCostDamage (S)Damage (M)CriticalRange IncrementWeightTypeSpecial
1 gp11d2×210 ft.½
 A shuriken  is a small piece of metal with sharpened edges, designed for throwing.
A shuriken is a small piece of metal with sharpened edges, designed for throwing.

A shuriken is a special monk weapon.

This designation gives a monk wielding shuriken special options.

Although they are thrown weapons, shuriken are treated as ammunition for the purposes of drawing them, crafting masterwork or otherwise special versions of them and what happens to them after they are thrown.

Drawback: A shuriken can’t be used as a melee weapon.

Traits: ammunition, monk

Source: Core Rulebook

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