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Songs of the Sidhe by David Ross

Many fey revere nature as a Great Cycle, and perhaps the most distinctive aspect of that Cycle is the process of death and reincarnation. The souls of animals, fey, plants, and vermin, as well as some other life-forms, are typically reincarnated within the Mortal Coil rather than traveling to the Realms 

Sapient creatures, however, can influence where they go. Most fey, as well as most other beings native to Faerie or tied to the magic of nature (such as faerie dragons, some giants, awakened animals, thunderbirds, and many other magical beasts) generally reincarnate unless they become bound to a god or ideal apart from Nature. Similarly, other creatures such as human can join the cycle of souls if they devote themselves to nature or certain religions. The souls of ordinary animals and other beings without belief may reach the Realms Beyond after death if strong associations with alignment are imposed upon them, however. For example, a friendly, loyal dog may be seen as Good strongly enough to cause the animal’s soul to pass on to Happy Hunting Grounds after death. In addition, beliefs associating animals with alignments may cause celestial animals and the like to spring into being in the Realms Beyond separate from any specific animal soul. Some fey and mortals believe that animals, plants, and other creatures reincarnate progressively, eventually becoming fey nature spirits or humanoids after many cycles. Others hold that all these dead souls are broken down into basic spirit-stuff and new souls are recombinations of the old. There is some evidence for both beliefs.

The amount of self retained through reincarnation varies. At most, memories of major events and convictions of a past life remain, though skills do not. At least, some basic personality traits persist. The norm lies between these two extremes. Some fey have been born with memories from multiple different lifetimes. A few beings, such as Fenghuangs, always retain at the upper end of this range and show no trace of having recombinant souls.

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