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Faerie Theft

Fey and faerie dragons are apt to steal both things they desire and things they despise, the former to possess them and the latter to keep them away from their enemies. They usually employ trickery to prevent their victims from ever realizing a theft has occured’ or at least delay the realization until the fey are long gone. Sometimes, they even take the essence or soul of a thing or creature without the outer physical form, so the theft may be mistaken for illness or other misfortune.


  1. A huldrebarn replaces the child of the innkeeper when the party spends the night at a quiet country inn. They pass near the child several times and must notice clues that something is amiss before they leave.
  2. A cadre of powerful huldra illusionists have strayed from Elphame to bring their unearthly revels to unwitting mortals. Although they seem too powerful to fight on even terms, they can be convinced to release their hostages and depart if any among their number can be reunited with the one mortal who truly loves her and was long ago kidnapped by a jealous rival.
  3. A new daoine sidhe mother sends her faerie hounds to kidnap a new mortal mother and demands she serve as wet-nurse to the fey child. If rescued, the woman carries with her a bottle of faerie ointment, which bestows the power to see through illusions. Using it might provoke fey retribution, however.
  4. Lurkers in light steal the essence of a delicious dwarven feast set for a dwarven king every night just before he eats. Although it still seems delicious and nourishing, the food’s substance is gone, and the king will waste away to nothing if the culprits are not caught.

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