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Fighter, Last Survivor

Fighter, Last Survivor
Massacre of the Innocents (Musée des Beaux-Arts, Rennes. Léon Cogniet) Date (1824) Source Musée des Beaux-Arts, Rennes Author Léon Cogniet (1794-1880) 

The world is full of evil and danger, and it is usually the weak and helpless that suffer under the cruel heel of conquerors and raiders.

The Quintessential Fighter

Author Matthew Sprange

Publisher Mongoose Publishing

Publish date 2002

The last survivor is one who once enjoyed a full and bounteous life in an outlying village, far from the great cities, as he tilled the land, looked after his herd and provided for his family. His idyllic life changed dramatically when the invaders came. Whether it was warriors from a rival village, or the full might of a goblinoid or orc invasion, the last survivor was forced to fight for his family’s very existence. As waves of raiders wept through his village, destroying each dwelling in turn, the last survivor was locked in mortal combat as his family was slain, swinging make-shift weapons in a desperate bid to keep the enemy at bay. At some point during the battle, he was knocked unconscious and awoke to find the raiders gone and his entire village destroyed. Now homeless and deprived of his quiet existence, the last survivor has sworn vengeance on those that killed his family and friends.

Adventuring: Last survivors tend to wander the wilderness, aimlessly looking for revenge against those that caused them so much hurt. Many are slain for their efforts, often by the same enemy that destroyed their village. Others are found by adventuring parties who take pity on their plight and maybe even pledge vengeance to right the obvious wrong. Though often finding it difficult concentrate on any task not associated with the destruction of their enemy, the last survivor can become a firm friend to any who aid him in his quest.

Role-Playing: Having recently experienced the loss of everything he once held dear, the last survivor is a withdrawn and morose figure, filled with an unquenchable desire for revenge. He comes alive whilst pursuing a direct line of vengeance against those who wronged him, quieting when diverted from this task. Once his goal of vengeance is complete, the last survivor can become somewhat lost without the presence of strong allies and another readily definable, goal as he pursues a growing desire to fight evil and suffering whenever it is found.

Bonuses: The last survivor is permitted to choose a favoured enemy, in the same way as a ranger. This enemy is the one responsible for destroying his village and slaying his family. The last survivor will only ever have one favoured enemy unless he later multiclasses as a ranger.

Penalties:The last survivor is a good-hearted individual and may not start with an evil alignment. However, he is also not a fighter it the truest sense, though recent events have taught him much about combat. He does not begin the game proficient in the use of medium and heavy armour, or shields.

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